Resurrection- New year, New painting plan.
/Ok so its been ages since i posted, i had high hopes for posting each week but life got crazy busy last year.
So what happened last year?
Read MoreOk so its been ages since i posted, i had high hopes for posting each week but life got crazy busy last year.
So what happened last year?
Read MoreA review of the Na’Sain Shrine from Knights of Dice, what i thought of it, how it went together, how i painted it etc.
Read MoreSo its been a while, between lockdown and work exploding, but i have still been painting… and buying stuff.
I backed the original Terrain crate and have 95% of it painted, barring a few pieces that don’t fit my stuff or are too thin to be of any use (one major issue with terrain crate).
So when the 2nd one came up i backed it straight away, especially as it covers more genres than fantasy.
In the end I got one of each crate and 2 extra boxes of things i thought i wanted more of.
Read MoreIts been a few weeks, work has been mental busy, especially once we had to get quickly ready for lockdown, which NZ has been on since the 25th of March, and we have 11 days to go (at least).
I have not done massive painting in the first few weeks but now have a good routine, and after finishing a large project am now keen to blitz through a bunch of smaller ones.
While it would be nice to update each week, this is not meant to be a chore, so if i don’t have time, so be it.
Read MoreI have always liked TT Combats kits, i have heaps of them, almost all their residential houses, quite a few of the commercial buildings (including ruined versions) and some of the moonstone ones. i just started with their scifi stuff and the first one i got was the Comms Tower.
Annddd, it was a pig of a kit. i have assembled worse but nothing like this from TT Combat.
Read MoreAnother odd week in terms of painting. With my father visiting, he has been staying with us into my normal painting time each night (which is great), but its done damage to my painting ability.
So i only got 1 model painted but i got a bunch of prep done. andddd i bought a few things.
The cool news is that i placed in both painting competitions. I got 3rd in the GW store comp with the Magos, and i won the Infinity comp on FB. so that was fun.
Read MoreA good week, i may have bailed on Febs painting challenge as i could not get motivated by the Dredd block gangers, but i did finish (to varying levels of quality) 2 competition entries, and last night i knocked out a figure. Its nice to get back to being able to pump out some simple figures and i think i will spend this next week trying to paint 5 simple models.
Read MoreContinuing the inventory of all my painted models.
This is the collection of Judge Dredd Models from the Mongoose game range. I painted most of these 3-4 years ago, so the paint job can be a bit off.
The Mongoose models were a bit hit and miss with some of the sculpts being a bit meh, but they were what we could get so it was good enough.
Read MoreAnother week flys by. I got a ton of work done on a couple of tanks for our January Painting challenge, but did not get them to the point i consider them finished enough.
I have a bunch of other stuff half painted as well, so i am still making progress.
Read MoreContinuing the plan of documenting my old models.
Back in 2000 or 2001, whenever either the Inquisitor game or the 40K Witchhunters Codex was released (i think Witchhunters), the local GW had a painting comp to do a retinue. i did not have money for the new range so kitbashed my own. I wont it with this retinue.
Read More2nd update for the year for week 4 of the year. As suspect i painted less than previously. Work is starting to pick up again so while i am still on holiday for another week, i have had a few meetings and things to sort for the office.
Read MoreThe final part of the first WIPTW for the year. who would have though the biggest hassle of being on holiday was painting so much it takes forever to document.
Read MoreHere are the Scifi models i have painted so far this year. after this i just have the buildings, and post apoc models and randoms to post, and then we can do the next stage (which will be a lot less painted).
Read MoreHere are the images for the figures i painted up to the first update from the Walking Dead game. more tomorrow of other models.
I have quite a few painted and i need to upload them, but these are the ones i got done over the break. I am trying to get the set finished, so working on 1 a week, has fallen back a little, but once i get into the groove i can churn them out.
Read MoreSticking with the plan i set out for the year, here is the first proper update.
So i will probably do the images for this post over the week, as it takes ages to edit the pics.
This is the compilation of all the models so far this year (well since Christmas break). Means i have a head start on the year. Most weeks wont be this exciting, especially once i am back to work fully in a couple of weeks (though i am doing some work anyway, even did an impromptu meeting at wargaming yesterday).
Read MoreIn an effort to have a record of all of what i have done (for viewers and for evidence in case the house burns down), i am working back through my models and uploading them. I figured i would do this in themes.
So for this first post, lets look at my Frostgrave Warband.
Read MoreSo i have learned that its not always easy to maintain a posting schedule. I am playing and painting, but with 2 kids, and a busy business, finding the time to post regularly is not easy. As i get better at photo editing, its becoming easier, and now that i have a laptop i can post while in the lounge and watching the kids.
Read MoreA quieter week this week as i was out of town for 3 days for a conference. I expect that over the coming weeks I will have less stuff to show as i have more out of town trips and we have a baby due in 5 weeks (which may also mean I don’t go out of town).
Read MoreTrying to keep track of what i painted each week, so i dont forget and its easier to take small batches of photos than lots at once. Reality is it wont be weekly, and this post is for what i finished last week, but this week is the post. essentially everytime i post i want to post what i have finished since last time.
I am only posting whats finished, so sometimes it looks like heaps as i finished off lots of small things that were 90% done. and we will definitely go through phases as i work on different games.
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