What I Painted This Week - 25/08/2019

A quieter week this week as i was out of town for 3 days for a conference. I expect that over the coming weeks I will have less stuff to show as i have more out of town trips and we have a baby due in 5 weeks (which may also mean I don’t go out of town).

This week i finished 8 more Power Armoured Space Sharks, and some terrain bits from Kill Team - Rogue Trader.

Space Sharks:

Finished off the last basic Tactical Marines so that now i have 15 of them. I should not need to do anymore after this, and can focus on more specialised models now.

So basically the same as the ones from last week. You can see the melta gun on the ground, the flamer guy is magnetised and this can switch out either weapon.

Space Shark Captain:

I used the chaplain from Calth and converted him to have a lightning claw, and took off his helmet brush.

sames as the rest, but i did his cloak. i Painted it black and highlighted with Eshin Grey and then a bit of Dawnstone, and then inked with Scale 75 Black.

Kill Team Rogue Trader Terrain:

I spraypainted these ages ago but got motivated. i inked black and drybrushed Russ Grey. then i picked out the screens and buttons. the chair leather is basic brown, inked and highlighted.

Simple jobs, but they will work for the game.

All going well I will have more of the Kill team terrain done, and if i get time some terminators for the sharks.