Review - Terrain Crate 2 - Trees
/So its been a while, between lockdown and work exploding, but i have still been painting… and buying stuff.
I backed the original Terrain crate and have 95% of it painted, barring a few pieces that don’t fit my stuff or are too thin to be of any use (one major issue with terrain crate).
So when the 2nd one came up i backed it straight away, especially as it covers more genres than fantasy.
In the end I got one of each crate and 2 extra boxes of things i thought i wanted more of.
You get heaps in Terrain Crate, so i tend to de bag it all and then try to theme it together into items i can at least undercoat or basecoat the same. In this case it was the trees so i grabbed all of them from the various kits.
Yep lots to paint here.
I like the look of them, they work as dead or dieing trees and i like that they are quite a bit smaller than my Monster fight club trees, as lets face it the height of a tree once its taller than a model is mostly irrelevant.
Should be easy to manoeuvre models around them.
Clean up:
Took a while, fiddly mold lines, but a new scalpel blade (Swann Morton Blade 15) made it easier.
Only one branch had to be reglued in, but no issues.
I sprayed them all black, and then with Molitow Dark Brown, then a zenithal with Molitow Walnut. I then did a wash of black and burnt umber, drybrushing it heavily with Burnt Sienna and then much lighter with Titan Buff. and they are done after a good varnish spray. I will probably go back and add some static grass around the basis, but its not needed.
I like to paint terrain like this on strips. This is just after i varnished them.
All the materials i used, other than the black/brown wash
Exactly what i wanted, not too complicated, easy to paint and solid to withstand gaming. Glad i got the extra box of them, and i think i am sorted for Trees now.
4.5/5, a bit too much tidy up work for terrain but paint up super well.
Pics of the painted trees.
Its a bit dark in the garage but i think you can see the point here. They are trees :)
And now for some action shots with Models from the Walking Dead, All Out War. the Hunters. (Barn is from BattleKiwi)