Throwback - Frostgrave Warband

In an effort to have a record of all of what i have done (for viewers and for evidence in case the house burns down), i am working back through my models and uploading them. I figured i would do this in themes.

So for this first post, lets look at my Frostgrave Warband.

We played this campaign a few years back and finished up with one of the campaign books. After that we put the game on pause, and have played other games, like Archipelago since. We will probably get back into it this year, once 2nd ed comes out.

i have always liked Dark Elf models, so used the opportunity to get some of the models i like, and a couple random heroes.

All the bases are from the old Ironhalo range, that i used to own with the Exwife, and have all the molds still for.

Wizard - She is a Dark Elf Sorceress from Avatars of War. I did not like the head so added a Drukhari Wych head, and also added a Dark Elf Corsair Cloak, to accentuate the loin cloth. i liked doing the flesh, but needed to make it thinner. She was used as a Witch, as the spells worked well for her.

Apprentice - Another Avatars of War model, this time a highelf. i added a hooded head from the Woodelf Archers.

Knight - using one of the executioner models, and mixing in a sword and shield and a cool Corsair head. could also be used as a Captain.

Archers - Using Woodelf models, they fit well with the Dark Elf models.

Infantrymen - Dark Elf Corsairs with halberds. The models lean over so its hard to see their face.

Treasure Hunter - Made the same way as the infantrymen. Was originally magnetised arms, but ended up too fiddly so i glued it.

Crossbowmen - Made as per the rest.

‘Hounds’ - these are Goblin Spiders from GW. all i had to do was sculpt the top of their head back on with the goblin removed. they make good Warhounds.

I dont think i will use this warband again, as i have ideas for a new one when we start to play again later this year, but i am considering expanding this out to an army for Saga Age of Magic, as i have a bunch more plastic Dark Elves i can fit. i just need to work out if i need more models for that army.

I hope you like this style of post, showing models from back in the day. this one is 2016/2017 (not 100% sure) so you can see a throwback on my painting as well.