WIPTW 2020 #7 - Week 9

A good week, i may have bailed on Febs painting challenge as i could not get motivated by the Dredd block gangers, but i did finish (to varying levels of quality) 2 competition entries, and last night i knocked out a figure. Its nice to get back to being able to pump out some simple figures and i think i will spend this next week trying to paint 5 simple models.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

So what have i painted since the last update:

The Magos and Tariqa were for a painting comp at the local GW and for the infinity NZ Facebook group respectively. i wanted to do as good a job as possible on them, and while some bits did not work super well, i am generally happy with them.

and then last night i knocked out another model from the Others - Freder. nice and simple and its nice to be able to paint a model in a night.

Purchased, delivered and working on:

I did not buy anything this week, which is good as there are a few kickstarters coming up and i suspect i may end up buying stuff.

I did get a vortex mixer delivered from Ali Express, and a free model i won from OTP minis also arrived (no idea what i am going to do with a giant beasty thing but its nifty).

I continued work on the TT combat comms tower, and other than that it was just the models i finished. i did do some flesh work on the Dredd block gangers but they are ages from being finished.

I am digging out my deathwatch models as the March Painting challenge is a squad of 5 Deathwatch and a character. should be fun and pretty simple.

Stats YTD:

Starting to build a good buffer. i am going to try and knock out a bunch of simple models like zombies or Aliens etc so i can get a bunch painted in one go. but i need to arrange time to sort this.


Genestealer Cult Magos (Lady)

A beautiful model, filled with detail. i made a mistake by undercoating her in sub assemblies, forgetting that the new models are made so well, i could not fit her back together easy. so i had to carve some stuff out and then Greenstuff gapfill on a painted model (terrifyng). the cult i use has a lot of rusted stuff, but as she is the figurehead i made sure everything was high quality. though she is still walking through the rusted underworld, as a cool contrast.

i went mental and even gave her green eyes.

bad photo as i forgot to get good ones before i took her to GW, will get nicer ones for next week.

Infinity Haqqislam Tariq HVT

Acool model i got in the infinity role playing game kickstarter. i waited so long for her (as the lost my order so it took 2-3 years iirc), i had no real use for her, but i want to use her for Realities edge.

it was nice to get another model for a comp done. i am very happy with the skin, and her green coat, the dress could have been better, but overall she looks good.

The Others - Freder

A cool model with a simple pallette. the coat is meant to look like worn leather and while it does not work perfectly i think for a gaming piece it works well. i really like the flesh, i mixed vallejo green brown into the foundry flesh base for a greenish tinge and then kept it in there as i added the highlights. makes him look a bit messed up, as he should.