Review and Pics - Knights of Dice - Na'Sain Shrine

We have just started playing Frostgrave 2nd Ed at the Warlords and despite having heaps of terrain, I don’t have lots of good terrain for FG. I have some scatter but not many ruins etc that would be useful, or at least not painted.

Knights of dice decided to have a sale in September with cheap postage (the bane of any MDF orders from overseas) so I grabbed a few more kits i needed, some for sci fi/ cyberpunk and I also grabbed the awesome Na’Sain Shrine.

It might be better for Ghost Archipelago, but I think its still going to work for normal FG.

Clean up and Assembly:

The kit went together really well, which was good as the download for the instructions was broken. I put together the shell and then did the steps in one go. I left off the bits that are sticking up and the ‘filagree’ bits. These are all the bits in green. I only had a few small nubs to cut off with my scalpel, and the bits actually fit.


Painting was quick, I sprayed it with Rustoleum 2X primer as its a good sealant, and then sprayed it grey (not the bits that ended up green, i painted them separately), then i painted some of the tiles in both toffee and yellow oxide. i was going to do some in tan, but changed my mind. i the drybrushed it all in buff and then in white. After it was dry it got my wash of black and burnt umber, watered down with water, flow improver and matt varnish. this style looks a bit better on sculpted tiles, as the MDF is a bit flat, but it still came out well.

the Green bits took a drybrush of Caliban green over black, then the derivan green followed by the light green. i used a giant makeup brush i got off wish for $4 which gave a very different style of drybrush effect, which i think helps with some of the gradient.

Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 09.jpg
Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 11.jpg
Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 10.jpg


A good kit, that goes together fast, is easy to paint and looks good. To make it easier to transport, the stickyup bits are kept separate.

To improve the kit? maybe a few lines on the tiles to look like cracks, as its a bit clean, and on the side between the snakes, its a bit empty, either some design or closing it off further out as the undercut is a bit pointless. But this is pedantry and not a bit deal.

Score - 4.5/5 - does what it means to do and does it well.

Pics of the terrain:

Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 04 Scaled.jpg
Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 03.jpg
Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 06.jpg
Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 08.jpg
Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 02.jpg
Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 01.jpg
Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 05.jpg
Terrain 21 Na Sain Shrine 07.jpg