Couple of Random models
/Just two models finished this week.
I’m working on a few projects and should have a spearhead painted soon but for now just finishing off a few projects.
Read MoreJust two models finished this week.
I’m working on a few projects and should have a spearhead painted soon but for now just finishing off a few projects.
Read MoreI finished the Tyger claw models in 2024 but finally did the bases recently.
I had been chopping up bases we had made back in the Ironhalo days, in order to fit the Cyberpunk bases. To save time on this i made my own to fit those bases and cast them.
Read MoreA bunch of photos of models I finished over Christmas and early this year.
I’m enjoying painting a range of models still, slowly chipping away at my Spacemarine army, clearing my crooked dice stuff and adding models to my stargrave crew.
Read MoreI have been painting my guild models for Carnevale for a while now, and as of today i have finished all of them. There are more releases coming so I will be getting them as well, but for now I am finished.
Read MoreAs part of playing Kill Team, i have been buying all the expansions, and this means a backlog of terrain.
I thought this would be a simple set to paint, but i made it complicated.
Read MoreIm working on a few things, its school holidays so my kids are home and i am able to do some hobby while they are playing.
I am 90% done on my Beta Decima terrain, and have done a few more Tygerclaws for Cyberpunk Red.
Read MoreAs part of trying to write more articles for work, and more that i have finally worked out how to use my camera, i wanted to get back on here, add more photos and keep things going.
Read MoreIts been a month, I managed to get quite a lot painted, despite some time out of town, lots of work, kids etc.
Got some cool games in and have been enjoying chipping away at some more of my collections.
Read MoreTime has flown since the last update. Work continued to be mental, but i got most of a week off, and did get to continue painting, but it was interrupted with some crazy 12-14 hour days.
But I finished the 20 Block, got the last Guild models painted so that now i have every option painted, got some new projects started.
Read MoreA good bunch of painting, i got heaps done, despite a lot of work going on, and some late nights and weekends.
I have been assembling a lot of models, so i have projects ready to go when i get all of it.
Read MoreFirst update of what ive painted in 2023.
A good start to the year, being on holiday and the kids sleeping in, I have been up late and painted quite a few models. Got into the swing of things and found a few ways to make it faster.
Read MoreSo a final wrap up for the year and some thoughts for 2023 for my hobby.
I will do this first and then then normal stuff since last update.
Read MoreA long time since the last update. Trying a new photo edit system which will make this easier and then i just have to take more notes.
I’ve played a lot of games since last time, a bit of Frostgrave, a lot of Carnevale and 7TV pulp and we had a large demo game at Call to Arms in November.
Read MoreI have finished the last core building for Scenario 2 of Lurkers from the Deep.
Took longer than i wanted but it came up well.
Read MoreStill Plugging away getting photos of previously painted models done and uploaded to the galleries.
Read MoreSo i’ve had a bunch of Orruk Ironjaw models for ages, with a plan for a major converted army that i have not done yet.
But i happen to have bought a lot of them, and have way too many. So when the idea of playing Warcry came up i decided to paint some up as actual Ironjaws. In one of the many joblots i had bought i had a bunch of already assembled models, so decided to paint them.
Read MoreA bit of time since the last update, its amazing how quickly time passes.
A large amount painted since last time, I’ve gotten a few sets done and working on more sets. so a successful few weeks.
Read MoreA good few weeks of painting. Finished the first stage of a project for a game, and am working on more than a few others.
I ordered a bunch of shelves for my storage room so i can put my terrain up properly. This will help to clear room so i can build some test tables for terrain (easier to build when you can place the terrain as you go), and easier to display my models.
Read MoreA huge update this time, i got a bunch of terrain painted, so heaps of photos.
Ive had the past week off due to Easter and Anzac day, you can get 11 days off for 4 working days, which is very handy as often my days off still involve some work as people need me.
I played scenario 2 of Quarantine 37 and it was nearly as bloody as the first, though i managed to get off the table with some models this time.
Read MoreA good couple of weeks of painting, i have mostly finished my Carnevale gang, and about to deep dive into my 7tv Project.
I got to play an amazing game of Stargrave using a bunch of terrain from my collection and while the game was a bust, in that 19/20 models on the table between us died, the game was so much fun. I got some photos so will do a separate post on this.
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