2019 recap and 2020 plan

So i have learned that its not always easy to maintain a posting schedule. I am playing and painting, but with 2 kids, and a busy business, finding the time to post regularly is not easy. As i get better at photo editing, its becoming easier, and now that i have a laptop i can post while in the lounge and watching the kids.

2019 - the good

i got to play a bunch of games, as many as i wanted. i am finding i am not as keen on playing as i used to, so i dont feel i am missing out. i got to play a big game at Call to arms, finishing off our Frostgrave ghost archipelago, and a big Last Days game at Halloween.

I painted a bunch of models, probably about 70 for Frostgrave on its own (thank goodness for contrast paints). and am getting a bit faster. my painting desk is now set up, and will save me from the kids getting into it, until it doesnt anymore, but for now it works.

We set up a discord for my gamign group and its good to book games and show painting. we also have a monthly painting challenge where we choose a model or type of model to paint in the month. its a nice way to stay motivated. right now we chose a tank for January so i am finally painting models i assembled years ago.

I have a bit of a routine for what i do upstairs in the house and what i do down in the garage.

and the best bit i had no real obligations. other than getting models ready for a key event (which we had plenty of notice for), i mostly painted whatever i wanted. it means i have a disparate collection of painted models, but i enjoyed painting them.

i assembled and spray undercoated a lot of models. i will be in no danger of not having something to paint.

2019 - the less good

i have a few too many half painted models, but i can get back to them when i want.

I need more storage for both models, and terrain. Need to make an order to KR multicase for foam trays and buy more boxes from Bunnings.

I was a bit slack on games, i would show up to the club with no plan and then not get around to playing. the discord has helped with this.

and most importantly, i bought wayyyy too much stuff in 2019. i may have painted a lot, but i also bought too much stuff, as in multiples more than i painted. i have too many models now, and too much terrain to assemble let alone paint.

2020- what the plan is.

We are moving into our new house later this year, and i will have a dedicated workshop and also storage. so part of this year is to make sure what i have is stored properly, to make it easier to move house without damaging it all.

and i am going to set some rules on new models. i dont need new stuff and buying stuff to sit in a box and have to be moved is pointless.

I have not actually bought anything since Black friday, but i bought a fair bit then, which is starting to drip feed in.

So the plan:

  1. Dont buy more new models than half of what i have painted. if i have painted 10 models i can buy 5.

  2. Try and paint the new stuff straight away - at least get it assembled.

  3. Terrain counts as 1 model per piece, but i will generally count Terrain vs terrain and models vs models.

  4. Keep using my google doc for my wishlist.

What does not count:

  1. Kickstarters from last year (errg, this is going to be a lot of models), even if i have done the pledge manager this year.

  2. Same with items i ordered last year that are still to be delivered.

  3. Certain models dont count, if they come with what i want. i will be buying the new Waves of Walking dead stuff and dont count the zombies as i have so many, they are going into a pile until i can be bothered. essentially secondary models dont count.

  4. Certain games that i am following i wont not buy. eg i have bought all the walking dead stuff as it comes out and this will continue, same with the new Judge Dredd stuff, and maybe any new Frostgrave NickStarters

  5. Rule books - more rules is fine, especially if i can use existing models.

Will i stick with this? mostly. using the google doc to record what i want, means i will buy less and can always get them later. for example, i quite like some new infinity models, but wont buy them until i have painted some new models.

Hopefully this means i can reduce the pile of what i have, play a bunch of good games and not feel quite so overwhelmed by the piles of crap i own but have yet to finish. Also means i am more likely to try and use what i have, rather than buy new stuff.

So i will be tracking what i have painted through out the year, and what i have bought.

So far this year:

Painted - 16

Bought - 0

Delivered - 51 models, 10 terrain pieces

Artel W - 6

Northstar 40 (FG Gnolls, and WG Atlantic Halflings)

TT Combat - 1 (vampire halfling)

Brother Vinni - 4