1st Dump of 2025

1st Dump of 2025

A bunch of photos of models I finished over Christmas and early this year.

I’m enjoying painting a range of models still, slowly chipping away at my Spacemarine army, clearing my crooked dice stuff and adding models to my stargrave crew.

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WIPTW 2023 - Update 04

WIPTW 2023 - Update 04

Its been a month, I managed to get quite a lot painted, despite some time out of town, lots of work, kids etc.

Got some cool games in and have been enjoying chipping away at some more of my collections.

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WIPTW 2022 - Update 06

WIPTW 2022 - Update 06

A good few weeks of painting. Finished the first stage of a project for a game, and am working on more than a few others.

I ordered a bunch of shelves for my storage room so i can put my terrain up properly. This will help to clear room so i can build some test tables for terrain (easier to build when you can place the terrain as you go), and easier to display my models.

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Review - Terrain Crate 2 - Trees

Review - Terrain Crate 2 - Trees

So its been a while, between lockdown and work exploding, but i have still been painting… and buying stuff.

I backed the original Terrain crate and have 95% of it painted, barring a few pieces that don’t fit my stuff or are too thin to be of any use (one major issue with terrain crate).

So when the 2nd one came up i backed it straight away, especially as it covers more genres than fantasy.

In the end I got one of each crate and 2 extra boxes of things i thought i wanted more of.

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WIPTW 2020 #9 - Week 15

Its been a few weeks, work has been mental busy, especially once we had to get quickly ready for lockdown, which NZ has been on since the 25th of March, and we have 11 days to go (at least).

I have not done massive painting in the first few weeks but now have a good routine, and after finishing a large project am now keen to blitz through a bunch of smaller ones.

While it would be nice to update each week, this is not meant to be a chore, so if i don’t have time, so be it.

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TT Combat Comms Tower

TT Combat Comms Tower

I have always liked TT Combats kits, i have heaps of them, almost all their residential houses, quite a few of the commercial buildings (including ruined versions) and some of the moonstone ones. i just started with their scifi stuff and the first one i got was the Comms Tower.

Annddd, it was a pig of a kit. i have assembled worse but nothing like this from TT Combat.

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WIPTW 2020 #5 - Week 7

WIPTW 2020 #5 - Week 7

A good week all round, i finished some terrain, and got a couple of models done and some more work on a couple of competition pieces, while also have a great work week, and celebrating my daughters birthday friday.

If i can maintain a routine like this we will get through a bunch of stuff.

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What I Painted 14/09/2019

What I Painted 14/09/2019

So my plan got a bit derailed since last time, i was busy with work and getting ready for baby number 2. And then Baby number 2 arrived 4 weeks early on the 28th. Keira (is her name), spent the first two weeks in NICU with her mum so i was full time dad with my other daughter Mia, so painting was low. But i actually got a bit done when the nanny had her and when she slept and i was not at the hospital.

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What I painted this 'week' - 18/8/19

What I painted this 'week' - 18/8/19

Trying to keep track of what i painted each week, so i dont forget and its easier to take small batches of photos than lots at once. Reality is it wont be weekly, and this post is for what i finished last week, but this week is the post. essentially everytime i post i want to post what i have finished since last time.

I am only posting whats finished, so sometimes it looks like heaps as i finished off lots of small things that were 90% done. and we will definitely go through phases as i work on different games.

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Shipping Containers

Shipping Containers

I got inspired by watching the Black Magic Craft video on making Shipping containers and remembered the ones i built over 10 years ago.

I had realised you never really want just 1 container and i always wanted to play a game that was set in that awesome scene in Batman begins when he is taking down bad buys in the container yard.

So i decided to make my own. now back then my ex wife and I ran a painting studio (well she did the painting) and we also sold resin bases - business was Ironhalo Painting. the business is defunct now, but i have all the molds and originals if i ever need anything.

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