WIPTW 2022 - Update 04

WIPTW 2022 - Update 04

A good couple of weeks of painting, i have mostly finished my Carnevale gang, and about to deep dive into my 7tv Project.

I got to play an amazing game of Stargrave using a bunch of terrain from my collection and while the game was a bust, in that 19/20 models on the table between us died, the game was so much fun. I got some photos so will do a separate post on this.

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WIPTW 2022 - Update 03

WIPTW 2022 - Update 03

A month since the last update, but better than nothing.

Got some good painting in. finally finished my terrain project and got to use it this weekend in a game of 7tv pulp. Awesome game.

Working through Carnevale models and then on to Crooked dice.

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Brief Update

No new models painted this week, am in a big terrain project that is half done so there will be a mssive update when done, but for now i have nothing done. but here is a bunch of last years models finally uploaded.

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WIPTW 2021 - Update 06

WIPTW 2021 - Update 06

Another couple of good weeks. Finished a 20 Block, did a pallet Cleanser and am really into the new block, having finished a bunch of them. Work is as crazy as ever and we are about to properly start plastering and painting my office so i am clearing out the room.

We finished the red king campaign and i am happy to say i am sated with Frostgrave now, having played a ton of games in the past 8 or so months.

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WIPTW 2021 - Update 5

WIPTW 2021 - Update 5

Crazy couple of weeks, work is mental, quite a few late nights so not as much painting and we also did some actual social stuff.

I am barely at home this coming week so it will be a quiet week for painting. But I will be starting a new 20 Block this coming week.

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WIPTW 2021 - Update 4

WIPTW 2021 - Update 4

A 2 week update this time, works been busy and IT change arounds. Got to play a couple more games of Frostgrave and so we are 4 scenarios from finishing the Red King. Its enjoyable but its a good time to finish before it gets dull.

Still keeping good progress i think, working through many models a week, and so i can keep the backlog down (other than buying new stuff).

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WIPTW 2021 - Update 3

WIPTW 2021 - Update 3

Normal week, a full work week for me, after a few weeks of holiday, and public holidays.

Work is the same as ever, but routine is getting easier, and I am getting into the swing of things with my painting. I finished my 20 Block and have the next one ready to go.

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20 Blocks - how is it going? - How does it work

20 Blocks - how is it going? - How does it work

Part of the challenge with painting is that I have heaps of stuff and from lots of ranges. If i put all my effort into painting one range or one game, one army etc, then i tend to get bored and end up looking wistfully at other models. This may mean my motivation drops off. But if i paint whatever i want, I don’t have anything finished - all my collections stay unfinished.

So this got me thinking, i want to stay motivated, i want to finish collections and I want to paint stuff that i enjoy and a variety.

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