WIPTW 2022 - Update 04

A good couple of weeks of painting, i have mostly finished my Carnevale gang, and about to deep dive into my 7tv Project.

I got to play an amazing game of Stargrave using a bunch of terrain from my collection and while the game was a bust, in that 19/20 models on the table between us died, the game was so much fun. I got some photos so will do a separate post on this.

Ive been thinking about getting a sisters of battle army done, and ive been inspired by the glacial geek and his bulk painting plan. so im working on what is needed to be able to sit down for a week and paint an entire army. wont be till later in the year but i want to work on getting ready for this.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

Its hard to keep track of the rules due to the way kickstarters work, but in general if i can avoid buying models in general to half of what i painted, and just try to minimise damage with kickstarters i will be fine.

Painted this ‘week’:

Finished the rest of the basic models from my Carnevale gang, and the black lamp, my favourite model of the year. and broke the boredom of one style of model by doing a couple easier models.

20 Block Progress:

Where I am up to with the current block of 20. For a breakdown of how 20 Blocks work go here.

As of this update i have finished the following models - 12,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,14,16,20,21.

And I have the following to go - 6,10,12,13,15,17,18,19,22,23

Knocked off the Cyclops and Earth Elemental as they took very little time and were easy. Nice way to break the boredom if slowing down or on a night im tired and dont want to do super detailed stuff.

Purchased and delivered:

Ordered some new carnevale stuff for the blood on the water expansion, and most of the suff i ordered from Sarissa arrived (they sent in 5 boxes, and 1 box is still to get here). and Kill Team Nachmund arrived from Combat Company.

Working on:

I have two Cappodecines on my table to finish the first batch of Guild models from Carnevale and a cool Patrician leader i just like. Then i’m into a large amount of Crooked dice models. I have 60 or so pieces of terrain sitting on my desk all brown and inked and now ready to drybrush. one advangage of wood based models is not having to do them all separately.

Stats YTD:

Making a good run for the year, 20+ models a month plus terrain. still having fun.


Dr Fiske - Crooked Dice. one of the bad guy stars for my lurkers campaign. A basic model but it was nice after some fairly complicated ones. im very happy with the way the glovesd turned out. Still to do the base but thats becuase i want to theme the entire collection so working on it slowly.

Rogue Doc - Artel W. A cool model with a few options. i chose the Plague mask as it looked better. i painted him at the same time as the Blacklamp so many of the colours are the same.

Carnevale Guilders - TTCombat. the rest of the basic models from the Guild gang box i got. still need to do the character. the two sailors are the same basic model so i made sure to mix up the colours. i realise i forgot to do the eyes, so will brace myself and do this.

Black Lamp - TTCombat. my Favourite model so far this year. Simple colours and i did two different blacks on him. i dont think the weathering on his cloak was done very well but its a start. the leather parts came out really well and im very happy with the OSL, as ive not done it before.

Cyclops - Reaper Bones. Painted all with Contrast paints. in between some other detailed work as i finished the black lamp i blocked in his base colours with Contrast and the next night while a bit tired, i highlighted him. maybe an hours work total. base was Geek gaming Mediterranean which i think works really well.

Earth Elemental - Blacklist Minis. Another quick model. while working on other stuff i did a thinned down plaguebearers flesh contrast all over him, then did an even thinner cygor brown in a few spots. then drybrushed with a series of greys. i used the flock on his gaps and any areas that did not paint well. i might do his eyes, but i think he looks ok as he is.