WIPTW 2021 - Update 3

Normal week, a full work week for me, after a few weeks of holiday, and public holidays.

Work is the same as ever, but routine is getting easier, and I am getting into the swing of things with my painting. I finished my 20 Block and have the next one ready to go.

We (well Kat) will be plastering and painting my workshop soon, so I may slow down painting as I have to clear a bunch out of the room, and she will be wanting to plaster when i would paint, so we will need to work that out. But the upshot is that when the room is done, I can finally carpet it and build my shelves, spraypaint booth, and really get this humming as a workshop.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

Its hard to keep track of the rules due to the way kickstarters work, but in general if i can avoid buying models in general to half of what i painted, and just try to minimise damage with kickstarters i will be fine.

Painted this ‘week’:

WIPTW 2021 03 Progress.PNG

15 Models, which is a good run. The Napoli boys worked well as a block as i could do a major colour a night and base coat the next one for the next night and so on. The Venator was the last in the block as i could not think of how to paint him, so i looked at some other paint jobs and got inspired. And the computers were a basic job, screens took a few goes and i am not super happy with them now, but its scatter terrain so i am not going to spend forever on them.

20 Block Progress:

Where I am up to with the current block of 20. For the rules etc of 20 Blocks go here.

I finished the last models from this block - so all the below are done and it took about 3 weeks.

2021 02 Group.jpg

And here is the new block. For the group, i am painting up the Children of Ferrum Sky i got from Kickstarter. So some similar ranges to the last block, but also a couple of switchouts. With only 5 models in the Group, it was easier to fit a few more ranges in.

20 Block 02 Orig.jpg

None of these painted yet, but i am keen to start working on them.

Purchased and delivered:

I think i only bought a Monstrucker from Corvus Belli, but i did pay for some paints and basing material. I also backed a couple of kickstarters.




My monstrucker was delivered, as was the 2nd hand stuff i bought last week, and my bases from Fenris Games, so i was able to base my Napoli boys.

Working on:

Doing a group of Demon Imps from Blacklist as a Pallet Cleanser before the block and assembling Necromunda terrain. Cleaning up Zombicide models and tidying up my workshop and storage room so its easier to clear out soon.

Stats YTD:


A good run so far. I fixed the basing stats, and am working to get better at that. Purchases are still not fixed, I need to look at that.


Pics from this weeks stuff plus some backfilling. As always, nothing like a photo to make things look worse. I try to paint as well as i can but am focused to the 3 foot range, ie on the table. i think they look better than the pics show. I need to get better at photos.

Computer Screens:

Basic job with contrast and drybrushing, Tried livery green for the screens after watching Squidmar, did not work as well for me as his ones.

Computer Screens.jpg

Napoli Boys:

The official pics had black jackets but i saw a verson with Red and bone and really liked it.

Napoli Gang Scaled.jpg


One of my Necromunda models. Fun to convert, so much detail to paint.

Venator Stubber Scaled.jpg

Back fill:

Here is some models i have painted this year but not uploaded.

Ghetto Lords:

Was fun to paint a few different versions of denim.

Ghetto Lords Gang Scaled.jpg

Renegade Royal:

Silly model, but i liked the mix of red bodysuit and her white boots.

Ren Royal Scaled.jpg

Strongarm Hero:

Cool model, enjoyed painting the lightning bolt.

Strongarm scaled.jpg

TWD Tara:

Not a great model with so many mold lines and a bit soft. But its done.

TWD Tara Scaled.jpg


Skin did not come out super well, but its ok in terms of gaming table. need to get thinner with the paint.

Silvia Scaled.jpg

Winter Katarina:

Tried to paint the skin as pale, did not work super well but its ok.

Katarina Scaled.jpg