Brief Update
/No new models painted this week, am in a big terrain project that is half done so there will be a mssive update when done, but for now i have nothing done. but here is a bunch of last years models finally uploaded.
Bought some more Sisters stuff from Combat company, and my brother vinni black friday order finally arrived, so yay.
Should be full post next week.
Agent Virtue from Artel, its patience Kys from Ravenor. nice model.
Artel Drone
Rogue Captain from Artel.
Chief Judge Grice from Werlord games Dredd.
Drax from Hasslefree
Rogue Drax from Hasslefree
Gun Justice from HINT
Lindon paxton from HINT
Cyber Detective from Klukva
Claptraps from MFC
Izzy from MFC
Edge Runner from MFC
Augstine from CMON the Others
Julia from CMON the Others
Giant Weasel from Reaper
Giant Stag from Reaper