WIPTW 2021 - Update 2

With how busy life is, its likely that “weekly” updates wont be, but we will see what happens.

Since the last update, i have managed to paint quite a few things, played a game or two, built some more terrain, prepped a bunch more models, and kept things updating.

I’m definitely enjoying the 20 Block plan, it allows me to always have something to paint, get projects moving and also when i finish painting a model from a range i am looking forward to painting another so i stay motivated to get through the 20 block.

In real life, i sold a house, and am finalising some estate stuff, work is still busy, and i enjoyed being back at work for the week, though had thursday off for my birthday.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

Its hard to keep track of the rules due to the way kickstarters work, but in general if i can avoid buying models in general to half of what i painted, and just try to minimise damage with kickstarters i will be fine.

Painted this week:

Here is this weeks, i painted the crates after i had uploaded last week so thats why its in this week.

WIPTW 2021 Progress 02.PNG

20 Block Progress:

Where I am up to with the current block of 20.

2021 02 Group.jpg

All i have left to paint now is the gang under group 1, which i have base coated the jeans and jackets, so should get them done this week, and number 9, one of my venators for Necromunda.

Purchased and delivered:

Did not buy much, some paints (Scale 75 released the rest of the instant colour range to retail so i grabbed them all), i picked up a couple of blades, and ogroid myrmidon for Bloodbowl conversion, i bought some orruk bits 2nd hand for conversions and some terrain 2nd hand, got a Reaper order delivered (paints and a couple models), and a few kickstarters ended this week, V Commandos, Barons War and Interactive Models. Fantasy Series 2 ends this week as well. No new kickstarters, but i did pay for the Nickstarter from Northstar from Stargrave (this might have been last week).

Working on:

Finishing the 20 Block, and i have cleaned up all the marines from Aliens and undercoated them, and undercoated about 20 Zombicide 2 models and a few other things. my next 20 blockis prepped and ready to go.

Stats YTD:


On track, still need to add in the purchased models, but thats less critical.


As always, nothing like a photo to make things look worse. I try to paint as well as i can but am focused to the 3 foot range, ie on the table. i think they look better than the pics show. I need to get better at photos.

Hassassin Ayyar

Painted the same scheme as the rest of my army, it was half done so nice to actually finish it off.

Hassassin Ayyar.jpg

Tara - Walking Dead

Basic model, knocked it out pretty fast, just wanted to get it done. I did the jeans as mostly dark pants and it worked well i think, using P3 Cygnar colours.

TWD Tara.jpg

Julia - The Others

I painted her in a similar orange scheme to the Hassassin but its a little different and the one i use with my Genestealer cult. Nice model, like a lot of the older CMON models a bit soft in places but painted up well.

The Others Julia.jpg

Karl Raider - Judge Dredd

I messed up his right eye, but i got there in the end. the coat was done with some soft browns which liked. the dredd resins are terrible but at least its done.

Dredd Karl Raider.jpg

London Paxton - HINT

Cool model, pity its soft plastic. the coat looked too nice to do one colour and i really enjoyed splitting it up and making it half leather and half material. i used dusky flesh for his skin and i think it came up well.

HINT London.jpg

Weyland Utani Crates - Aliens

Not very exciting, contrast green with some drybrushing and then sponging some metal for scratches. will do for terrain.

GFP Aliens Crates.jpg