What I Painted 14/09/2019

So my plan got a bit derailed since last time, i was busy with work and getting ready for baby number 2. And then Baby number 2 arrived 4 weeks early on the 28th. Keira (is her name), spent the first two weeks in NICU with her mum so i was full time dad with my other daughter Mia, so painting was low. But i actually got a bit done when the nanny had her and when she slept and i was not at the hospital.

i was able to finish off a few projects, and get ready for the next bunch. Was not able to get the garage much to do the messy stuff but got normal models painted. Wont have much for a few weeks as Keira is now home, and i have to go back to work and catchup, but i should get some stuff done.

Space Sharks - Termies

I painted up a squad of Cataphracti Termies for the Space Sharks. these are just being played as normal termies, so i converted one to have an assault cannon. Same paint scheme as previous sharks. nice and simple, and good models.


These are from Crooked Dice, i got a bunch of their other stuff as well, and they are very nice pieces, and easy to clean and paint.

Basic paint job, spray black, painted the tyres with Secret weapon Tyre black, drybrushed with Rubber and then again with Rubber Highlight. and then a final stipple of Secret weapon mud.

the metal on the tyres and boxes is P3 Boiler Metal (pretty similar to Scale75 Black metal), drybrushed silver, and stippled rust, and then some Secret weapon old oil.

The boxes were heavy drybrushed catachan flesh then an artists yellow oxide then secret weapon weather wood.

then i inked all of it Secret weapon soft body black. i matt varnished them and it all looks good.

Monster Teddy

This is an old Malifaux model. still not sure about the basing, will work that out. I like to have the models slight off the base so the sand etc can go under. i used some greenstuff to get him on there and leveled.

the paint was GW grey seer, a thinned down wash of Administratrum grey, then drybrushed greyseer, and then white. the teeth and claws were the contrast bone but then highlighted with the GW bone paints. I also blacklined between the teeth for more effect.

the pink was the Contrast pink and then the lines were various GW pinks, and the highest is mixed with white.

i used blood for the bloodgod for the blood, and then when i matt varnished it, i went back over some of it with glood varnish for the shine.

a straight forward paint job, but fun to do something a bit silly. not sure what use he will be, but it was quick and easy to paint.

Ganger Girl

This is from the warlord games biker gang. i have a version of her on a bike as well.

not super happy with the skin, but its ok. the pants are using the Scale 75 Leather paints and following their brown leather recipe.

red is just normal gw red options.

Biker Ganger

Another model from the same biker gang set, also has a mounted version.

Trousers were using VMC German camo brown, then dark tone, then highlighted with a mix of S75 Red red leather, then red leather and then finally a bit of sandalwood for the lightest bits.

Backpack was S75 Brown leather, dark tone and then built up with a bit of orange leather and then irako.

his shirt is VMC english uniform, dark tone, and then built up with VMC Khaki.

skin is simple cadian flesh tone, shaded with bugmans and highlighted with kislev.

Biz Lady - Female Survivor

From the Warlord games female survivor box. shirt is just apoth white contrast over grey, skirt is a dark green base with cultist robe and hemp rope highlights. Backpack is same as the biker ganger.

the flesh is african flesh base from foundry, and then highlighted with doombull brown, washed with african flesh again and then a watered down highlight with bugmans.


From Studio Minis Turf War Z game. he is meant to be someone who acrhetypes this ‘hero’. feel a bit odd painting a mass murder like Che, as in i would never paint a hitler model, but i figure this is just some university student larping as che and it works ok for me.

the green is creed camo contrast highlughted with loren forest and nurgling green.

the coat is VMC german camo brown, dark toned, and then highlighted up with S75 brown leather, orange leather and iroko to finish.

gun stock is wyldwood contrast with some highlights and flesh is gulliman contrast flesh with some kislev highlights.


From Hasslefree. a really nice model, though part of the gun ammo belt is a pain to keep on.

green is GW Deathcorp drab, darktoned and then highlighted with Loren forest and Nurgling green. For the gun, i mixed black with some silver to get an even blacker metal, (i started this before i got S75 black metal), skin is like the biker ganger, and the black plates etc are black, then rubber then rubber highlight followed by soft body black.