WIPTW 2022 - Update 06

A good few weeks of painting. Finished the first stage of a project for a game, and am working on more than a few others.

I ordered a bunch of shelves for my storage room so i can put my terrain up properly. This will help to clear room so i can build some test tables for terrain (easier to build when you can place the terrain as you go), and easier to display my models.

I’ve got a week off coming up in June, so will be making good progress on some bigger jobs i want to do.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

Its hard to keep track of the rules due to the way kickstarters work, but in general if i can avoid buying models in general to half of what i painted, and just try to minimise damage with kickstarters i will be fine. Im not tracking the exact purchase amounts these days but more keeping an eye on it.

Painted this ‘week’:

A good batch of models since last time, I’ve finished the models i need for the first scenario of Lurkers from Crooked dice, and some good batches of scatter terrain for stargrave, carnevale and other games. After all the Crooked dice models i knocked out a couple quick models from other games and have finished my first test model for my Sisters of Battle Army.

20 Block Progress:

Where I am up to with the current block of 20. For a breakdown of how 20 Blocks work go here.

As of this update i have finished the following models - 12,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,16,20,21.

And I have the following to go - 12,13,17,18,19,22,23.

Finished the female with Bazooka, a simple model that took one night to do, but was a nice change of pace. I’m happy with the freehand on her singlet top.

Purchased and delivered:

I bought a classic marine captain from GW and the fellowship. Ive pre ordered Horus Heresy from combat company and have bought a bunch of art and model supplies from Kapiti Hobbies and the $2 shop.

A mantic order arrived, with the last models i wanted for Walking Dead (repeat Kingdom and Whisperer models) now that they have closed the game. Some specific Last days models arrived as

Working on:

I’m nearly finished with a bunch of Laketown buildings, some more Mantic scatter terrain and part way through another gang from Funky Skull games. when thats done i am working on another squad of Nights watch for ASOIAF.

Stats YTD:

I’ve broken through on 100 models for the year, and over 200 pieces of terrain. Im in a good place being able to knock stuff out pretty quickly, but still look ok.


Donnie - Funky Skull Games

Test Sister of Battle - GW

My first test paint job for my new army.

Fishmen, Beat Cops and Agents - Crooked Dice. Basing to be done on them all when i finalise the style

Female Survivor with Bazooka - Warlord Games

Crates and Barrels - TT Combat

Terrain Crate pieces - Mantic

Eggs and Face Huggers - GF9