WIPTW 2023 - Update 04

Its been a month, I managed to get quite a lot painted, despite some time out of town, lots of work, kids etc.

Got some cool games in and have been enjoying chipping away at some more of my collections.

Got my spray booth installed, a few more bits to do and then will be able to put up photos.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

Its hard to keep track of the rules due to the way kickstarters work, but in general if i can avoid buying models in general to half of what i painted, and just try to minimise damage with kickstarters i will be fine.

Painted this ‘week’:

I got inspired and blitzed a bunch of Judge Dredd models, and as we had a game of Legends of the Old West planned, i got a bunch more cowboys done, so i can have spare models.

I managed to get a few pieces of terrain completed as well.

I have been enjoying these mini blocks of models as well. in between less fun models, i am painting 1 model each of, Judge Dredd, infinity, 7TV, Walking Dead, Zombicide and Monster Fight club. This lets me complete more of each set, they are fun to paint and a bit different and i get to wittle down the backlog.

this is useful as i am also painting a lot of batch painting, the zombicide models were a bit samey, and i am finishing my Moria Goblin army for a tournament on the 1st weekend in July so i have about 50 goblins to paint.

20 Block Progress:

Where I am up to with the current block of 20. For a breakdown of how 20 Blocks work go here.

Brand new 20 Block ready to go, i’ve gone with a mix of models from all over the place, where i don’t have many models from that range, or models i don’t need for any particular game plus a few models from ranges i am trying to complete. This is going to be a fun one, though i need to get my Goblin army finished before i can dive in.,

Purchased and delivered:

I’ve not bought too much, managed to get the Ashes of Faith Kill Team, but like many people missed out on Gallowfall, which sucks.

I got a bunch of books from NorthStar for various games, some Vatican stuff from TTCombat, and some more Cowboys and Pirates from Black Scorpion.

Half of my Dracula pledge arrived from 7TV 2 weeks ago, not sure where the other box is.

Working on:

Big mission for this month is the Goblin army from LOTR. I need to cast some more bases to get this done, and then will have over 100 models for this army. Need to buy a couple more models to make it work.

After that I am wanting to get a lot of stuff done from 7TV, as we have a few demo games we want to do.

Stats YTD:

Doing well this year, more than a model a day, speed painting goblins helps with this.


I need to get some individual photos done of some of the groups, but i got lazy :)

Judge Models - Warlord Games (Tek Judge, Psi Judge, Mechanismo, Judge w Rad cloak, Med Judge, Wally Squad Judge Pointe, Wally Squad Aimee Nixon, Wally Squad Dirty Frank, Cadet Judge Giant)

Hi-Stick, Blades and Tek - Monster Fight Club

Immortal Evil, Diabolical Fiend, Ruthless Lt, Heartless Warmonger - Crooked Dice

Aaron and Spencer and Heads on Spikes - Mantic Walking Dead

Mary Problems and Hanzakut - Corvus Belli Infinity