What I Painted 14/09/2019

What I Painted 14/09/2019

So my plan got a bit derailed since last time, i was busy with work and getting ready for baby number 2. And then Baby number 2 arrived 4 weeks early on the 28th. Keira (is her name), spent the first two weeks in NICU with her mum so i was full time dad with my other daughter Mia, so painting was low. But i actually got a bit done when the nanny had her and when she slept and i was not at the hospital.

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What I painted this 'week' - 18/8/19

What I painted this 'week' - 18/8/19

Trying to keep track of what i painted each week, so i dont forget and its easier to take small batches of photos than lots at once. Reality is it wont be weekly, and this post is for what i finished last week, but this week is the post. essentially everytime i post i want to post what i have finished since last time.

I am only posting whats finished, so sometimes it looks like heaps as i finished off lots of small things that were 90% done. and we will definitely go through phases as i work on different games.

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Shipping Containers

Shipping Containers

I got inspired by watching the Black Magic Craft video on making Shipping containers and remembered the ones i built over 10 years ago.

I had realised you never really want just 1 container and i always wanted to play a game that was set in that awesome scene in Batman begins when he is taking down bad buys in the container yard.

So i decided to make my own. now back then my ex wife and I ran a painting studio (well she did the painting) and we also sold resin bases - business was Ironhalo Painting. the business is defunct now, but i have all the molds and originals if i ever need anything.

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Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago - The Monsters

Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago - The Monsters

And now on to the monsters. I had bought some specifically, i had some older bones models and during our campaign Bones 4 arrived, so i had a lot to paint. i also picked up models as we needed them, and from Northstar - the official models. it also gave me motivation to finish some half done models i had sitting there waiting.

the good news was that during the campaign, Citadel contrast was released, which made a massive difference, and i was able to blitz out a lot of models, probably painting more than 40 models in the 2 months after contrast came out, as compared to about 30 in the 4-5 months previously.

I also painted a lot of terrain, and heaps of the Mantic Terrain Crate stuff which i will post later.

so here we go, a lot of photos to come.

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Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago - the Warband

Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago - the Warband

Its been a while since I have posted but i have not been idle. We have been playing Killteam a lot this year, and then around Easter (i think) decided to finally get into Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago.

We had played original Frostgrave before, but with Richard rejoining the club, it was a good opportunity to get some new games going. the good thing about FGA is that you dont typically need many models although i ended up painting close to 70 and a bunch of terrain. I will post the full pics over the coming weeks.

Below are the photos of my crew and Heritor, and the next post will be the monsters. as part of my new philosophy on painting, i want to paint the characters very well, but the main focus is to get things finished, so not be as thorough on lesser models, as i have a massive backlog and play many games.

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Call to Arms 2018

Call to Arms 2018

Every year the Wellington Warlords runs a convention in August, with over 100 gamers. Typically multiple tournaments and this past year we had 3 major tournaments for 40K, AOS and DBMM (i think).

I am done with tournament gaming but like to attend, check out the bring and buy table and be part of the event. Inspired by the UK events that are almost entirely demo games, and seeing some amazing demos a previous Call to Arms i decided i wanted to set up and run an entire game on my own, with an aim to being as visually eye catching as possible.

This is the story of how i planned it out, and how it all looked (its a bit long sorry).

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Progress and other games

No new terrain to add yet, have nearly finished a bunch, but i was more incapacitated by some surgery i had mid week than expected. 

just need to flock a few more bits and then will have another 10 buildings and similar finished.

In other news, have been playing Necromunda with John at the club, so far the Stealer cult has won all the games, but primarily by getting lucky with some timing and the aberrant going ape and murder smashing more than a few people.

have not painted any models for a while, am looking forward to Call to Arms being over so i can focus on something other than zombie stuff (or maybe different zombie stuff).

looking at working on some deadzone terrain for a new Scifi table, and building up the deathwatch army, as well as finishing off some of the DoomFarers i have part done, and then working out a small force for Deadzone/firefight.

have had my chapter symbol designed so the next step is to get the shoulder pads made on Shapeways so i can kit them out properly.

realised i have not played much this year, but have played a variety of games.

  • 40K
  • Saga 2
  • The Walking Dead
  • Necromunda
  • Infinity

a lot less than last year (no Xwing or Frostgrave yet), but hoping to add a few new games before the end of the year.

Weathered Cars for Zombie Games

Weathered Cars for Zombie Games

I am building a table for a convention my club is having in August, for a large TWD game. Heaps to do and i may need to scale it back a bit if time and work (and a 3 month old daughter) get in the way.

the table is going to be able to be changed, so the pieces need to be seperate rather than a sculpted table.

Starting off i am working on some of the abandoned vehicles that will be laying around.

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