Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago - The Monsters

Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago - The Monsters

And now on to the monsters. I had bought some specifically, i had some older bones models and during our campaign Bones 4 arrived, so i had a lot to paint. i also picked up models as we needed them, and from Northstar - the official models. it also gave me motivation to finish some half done models i had sitting there waiting.

the good news was that during the campaign, Citadel contrast was released, which made a massive difference, and i was able to blitz out a lot of models, probably painting more than 40 models in the 2 months after contrast came out, as compared to about 30 in the 4-5 months previously.

I also painted a lot of terrain, and heaps of the Mantic Terrain Crate stuff which i will post later.

so here we go, a lot of photos to come.

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