Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago - The Monsters

And now on to the monsters. I had bought some specifically, i had some older bones models and during our campaign Bones 4 arrived, so i had a lot to paint. i also picked up models as we needed them, and from Northstar - the official models. it also gave me motivation to finish some half done models i had sitting there waiting.

the good news was that during the campaign, Citadel contrast was released, which made a massive difference, and i was able to blitz out a lot of models, probably painting more than 40 models in the 2 months after contrast came out, as compared to about 30 in the 4-5 months previously.

I also painted a lot of terrain, and heaps of the Mantic Terrain Crate stuff which i will post later.

so here we go, a lot of photos to come.

should have cleaned the static grass off them before photos, i had not realised how it had gotten on everything.

Models Painted Normally - Painted before Contrast or with no contrast paints.

Brass Gorgon

I painted this and then realised there are no stats for it in the game, oh well, it looks nice and took hardly any time. just a variety of bronzes, inked and highlighted with silver.

River Troll

A Reaper Bones model from the last run. been sitting on my desk base coated in a lizardman green/blue. i drybrushed it up to get the skin sorted, and the weapon (which is out of focus) uses Secret weapon miniature paints for the wood. I used the Idoneth Deepkin flesh paints for his fish loincloth.

Flesh Golem

Another model without an actual representation in the game, but i had base coated him as a construct for normal Frostgrave. he stepped in to be a ghoul if needed. basic flesh ink wash and highlught, purposefully over accentuating his skin tone.


The Frostgrave Werewolf, painted with a basic brown and drybrush highlights. i liked the white/cream on the chest to make it look more interesting. Its not a great model, but it painted up easily.

Mountain Goat

this was fun, its a silly monster (though has done some damage to our games). painted white, inked sepia and drybrushed with cream and white for the hair, and normal bone highlights.

Blood Drinker Bats

bad photo sorry. models are basic, sprayed black and drybrushed browns, with the teeth picked out. the base is made by putting hotglue over the paperclip that is holding it up. this should stay put and it helps them look like they are flying.


Simple paint job, brown, inked and then drybrushed to look like wood. the blue spiral was done with a blue ink over white.

Giant Wolf

Like the werewolf, this was browns drybrushed up to cream. i went more creamy and tried to make it only on high points to make it look more interesting. (i missed the static grass on his fur, need to clean this off).


These are from a different game, Turf War Z. the zombie on the left is hardened and extremely hard to kill and the one on the right is toxic and can explode. i just wanted an excuse to paint htem so i did. i used zombie flesh and different inks to bring up the skin and then picked out the wounds etc. basic job, but it works.

Ghoul King

this is a warhammer ghoul king. i was using him as a ghoul, and wanted a reason to finish him. a but ott for a wanderign monster but its a nice model. zombie flesh highlighted up and then the claws are black up to grey.

Models part painted with Contrast.

With these following models i was part way through painting anyway, and then contrast came out and made it much easier to finish.


This is a bones Gargoyle. I had painted it grey and inked black and put away in a box. i got it out and highlighted the skin. for the wing membranes i used grey seer and contrast flesh. i should have highlighted it but i was in a rush to get finished for Call To arms. came up well i think.


this is a tree elemental from Bones. I had this painted brown and have now added other browns and drybrushed for the wood. and then used wraithbone and green contrast for the ferns and leaves. i used fyreslayer flesh for the mushrooms and highlighted. the base had sand and static grass to show the monster linked with the ground rather than ontop of it.


I had this painted green, so inked it and highlighted the flesh. for the beak i made the end closer to black. and did the wing membranes in flesh as per the Cathaka.

Contrast models

Once contrast paints came out i was able to blitz through a lot of models quickly. its such good paint, and allows for simple models to be done fast. So i think i will continue to do this for lower use models.


So easy. a pain to assemble, but less than 1 hour to paint all 6. i batch assembled them as they are so fiddly (see lukes APS video on this), but as i assembled them along with other models, the glue had time to dry.

the paint job is simply Skelenton Horde over wraithbone (with a light drybrush over that), and then the armour is bronze, inked with fyreslayer and with some verdergris.


These are Spartan Command sprues that were on special from Warlord games. Contrast red on the come and skirt, and the flesh. armour is Scale 75 bronze, inked Fyreslayer, and then highlighted. took less than an hour.

Jungle Tick

an odd little bones model. i sprayed greyseer, contrast black and grey and then the turqouisy one for the carapace. not very good but its a mostly pointless model.


From the Idoneth ghost boat. all the skin is painted contrast. i thinned some of it, but mostly just did the contrast over them, including the base and sand. easy. the eyes need to be done but thats all.

Petrified Men

Another 30 minute paint job. contrast grey that i highlighted up, and then contrast red, and some bronze for the armour bits. the purple bits are just std gw purple highlighted.


Nice model. Contrast on the cloak, leather, shield interior, flesh, and plumes. i highlighted the cloak which was nice to paint. the armour is scale 75 bronze i inked fyreslayer and highlighted up. very nice model.


not super inspired with these models so i just got them done. i zenithaled greyseer over black, inked fleshearer and drybrushed up, and then picked out the teeth and tonges. for the stripes i painted them in grey seer and used contrast yellow. fast but not great. but at least finished as i still am not inspired to paint them at all.


One of the new Bones models. i used Castellan green, and mixed with contrast medium and then drybrushed up. picked out the tongue and teeth with contrast. could be a little better, and had i possessed all the contrast greens i would have used one of them, but i did not. might redo it later.

Giant Rat

15 minute paint job. thinned down contrast flesh. used the cygor brown for the fur, which i drybrushed and used the pink which i highlighted for the sores. and usual teeth with bone.


another 15 minute paint job on all 3. undercoated greyseer, and painted with an equal part mix of contrast medium, plaguebearer and gulliman flesh. the loincloths were done with darkoath flesh, and the stones they are one with grey. easy to do, and look fine.

Giant Wasp

Not a great model (its a bones Fly demon) but oh well. i mixed contrast green with black for the flesh and used gryphhound grey for the wings. needs the flesh highlighted but it will do for most games.


Ork flesh for the main body, i used averland sunset for the yellow with an agrax wash, which i drybrushed, and the blue is dark blue highlighed up. nice models and i like the bright paint job.


Nice model. 1 hr paint job. Darkoath flesh, which i highlighted. the wood is various browns which i did a final wash with Scale 75 chestnut, and the skulls were contrast skeletone horde. the hair is templar black, drybrushed up, and the cloth is snakebite leather.


I needed this for the game, and happened to find a 66c dinousaur eraser (well 3 for $2 NZD you can see the other two unpainted in the pic, and this one was yellow). i sprayvarnished and then sprayed grey seer, and then used ork flesh for the skin, and orange for the fan, and bones for the teeth. it works surprisingly but it will be interesting to see how the paint job lasts.


All the tribal warriors from one box. i assembled them all, and tried to get them all painted. i ran out of time, but contrast meant that the details still look ok. i still need a final highlight for the flesh and the contrast bits, but they work.

Totem Warrior

Nice model. done like all the others and like the vanguard. i need to finish the highlughts but he worked out. the weapon was finished well, with an inked and highlighed scale 75 gold.

Tribal warriors.

So this was a long one. thanks for sticking it out, i hope to have the terrain post up next week.