WIPTW 2022 - Update 09 - 2022 wrap up
/So a final wrap up for the year and some thoughts for 2023 for my hobby.
I will do this first and then then normal stuff since last update.
Read MoreSo a final wrap up for the year and some thoughts for 2023 for my hobby.
I will do this first and then then normal stuff since last update.
Read MoreA long time since the last update. Trying a new photo edit system which will make this easier and then i just have to take more notes.
I’ve played a lot of games since last time, a bit of Frostgrave, a lot of Carnevale and 7TV pulp and we had a large demo game at Call to Arms in November.
Read MoreHad a great game of 7tv pulp on the weekend with John.
Read MoreClearly i’m no good at sitting down to do a blog entry, well I am but its the photo editing that takes ages.
Read MoreI have finished the last core building for Scenario 2 of Lurkers from the Deep.
Took longer than i wanted but it came up well.
Read MoreIm getting ready for some games of 7TV by Crooked Dice on their Lurkers from the Deep Campaign. the Campaign has a series of games on various tables. So its a lot more terrain that i expected.
Read MoreStill Plugging away getting photos of previously painted models done and uploaded to the galleries.
Read MoreSo i’ve had a bunch of Orruk Ironjaw models for ages, with a plan for a major converted army that i have not done yet.
But i happen to have bought a lot of them, and have way too many. So when the idea of playing Warcry came up i decided to paint some up as actual Ironjaws. In one of the many joblots i had bought i had a bunch of already assembled models, so decided to paint them.
Read MoreA bit of time since the last update, its amazing how quickly time passes.
A large amount painted since last time, I’ve gotten a few sets done and working on more sets. so a successful few weeks.
Read MoreA good few weeks of painting. Finished the first stage of a project for a game, and am working on more than a few others.
I ordered a bunch of shelves for my storage room so i can put my terrain up properly. This will help to clear room so i can build some test tables for terrain (easier to build when you can place the terrain as you go), and easier to display my models.
Read MoreHi all,
I’ve put the whole project into a spreadsheet to make it easier to track the stages and save me repeating all th text.
this is below.
Read MoreA huge update this time, i got a bunch of terrain painted, so heaps of photos.
Ive had the past week off due to Easter and Anzac day, you can get 11 days off for 4 working days, which is very handy as often my days off still involve some work as people need me.
I played scenario 2 of Quarantine 37 and it was nearly as bloody as the first, though i managed to get off the table with some models this time.
Read MoreAnother catchup of models i had not gotten onto the site before now.
Read MoreI want to paint a full 40k army this year. I’ve done it before, I used to paint one a year to enter tournaments and go for the painting prize, best army etc and was pretty successful.
Read MoreA good couple of weeks of painting, i have mostly finished my Carnevale gang, and about to deep dive into my 7tv Project.
I got to play an amazing game of Stargrave using a bunch of terrain from my collection and while the game was a bust, in that 19/20 models on the table between us died, the game was so much fun. I got some photos so will do a separate post on this.
Read MoreA month since the last update, but better than nothing.
Got some good painting in. finally finished my terrain project and got to use it this weekend in a game of 7tv pulp. Awesome game.
Working through Carnevale models and then on to Crooked dice.
Read MoreFrom a painting perspective i only painted 1 model this week, but did finish 104 pieces of terrain i have been working on since Christmas. had i decided not to weather this it would have been finished weeks ago,but lessons learned.
Read MoreSome more finished models painted previously but not photographed.46 to go to catchup.
Read MoreFinally an update, got a lot painted, and im working on a bunch of terrain which has slowed me down but its nearly done.
also working on a competition piece which will be done this week.
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