A collection of photos and articles for my Scifi and Cyberpunk models. These are models from Artel W, Hasslefree, Heresy, Klukva, Brother Vinni and others. For games like Realities Edge, Zone Raiders, Zona Alfa and others.

All the blog posts referencing Scifi and Cyberpunk in games or painting.
I have always liked TT Combats kits, i have heaps of them, almost all their residential houses, quite a few of the commercial buildings (including ruined versions) and some of the moonstone ones. i just started with their scifi stuff and the first one i got was the Comms Tower.
Annddd, it was a pig of a kit. i have assembled worse but nothing like this from TT Combat.
Another odd week in terms of painting. With my father visiting, he has been staying with us into my normal painting time each night (which is great), but its done damage to my painting ability.
So i only got 1 model painted but i got a bunch of prep done. andddd i bought a few things.
The cool news is that i placed in both painting competitions. I got 3rd in the GW store comp with the Magos, and i won the Infinity comp on FB. so that was fun.
A good week, i may have bailed on Febs painting challenge as i could not get motivated by the Dredd block gangers, but i did finish (to varying levels of quality) 2 competition entries, and last night i knocked out a figure. Its nice to get back to being able to pump out some simple figures and i think i will spend this next week trying to paint 5 simple models.
Quiet Week for me this week. So much work that i only got to paint a couple of times.
But am setting things up to get through a bunch of stuff.
A good week all round, i finished some terrain, and got a couple of models done and some more work on a couple of competition pieces, while also have a great work week, and celebrating my daughters birthday friday.
If i can maintain a routine like this we will get through a bunch of stuff.
I got back into the process this week, got a couple of models finished that i had started recently, and got work done on a variety of things. It was my first full week back at work and so my main focus was to getting things back on track work wise and getting my routine back down. all in all a successful week.
Continuing the inventory of all my painted models.
This is the collection of Judge Dredd Models from the Mongoose game range. I painted most of these 3-4 years ago, so the paint job can be a bit off.
The Mongoose models were a bit hit and miss with some of the sculpts being a bit meh, but they were what we could get so it was good enough.
Another week flys by. I got a ton of work done on a couple of tanks for our January Painting challenge, but did not get them to the point i consider them finished enough.
I have a bunch of other stuff half painted as well, so i am still making progress.
Continuing the plan of documenting my old models.
Back in 2000 or 2001, whenever either the Inquisitor game or the 40K Witchhunters Codex was released (i think Witchhunters), the local GW had a painting comp to do a retinue. i did not have money for the new range so kitbashed my own. I wont it with this retinue.
With how busy life is, its likely that “weekly” updates wont be, but we will see what happens.
Since the last update, i have managed to paint quite a few things, played a game or two, built some more terrain, prepped a bunch more models, and kept things updating.