A collection of the Reaper Bones Models i have painted over the years for various games, or just for fun. Usually for Frostgrave, i usually use Contrast paints on them and try to use them as practice for painting faster. They have the right detail for good painting without having to go overboard. for many of the pics i should have cleaned off the static grass before taking pics, but thats easily fixed.

All the blog posts that reference Reaper Bones i have used in games or talked about.
Still Plugging away getting photos of previously painted models done and uploaded to the galleries.
A huge update this time, i got a bunch of terrain painted, so heaps of photos.
Ive had the past week off due to Easter and Anzac day, you can get 11 days off for 4 working days, which is very handy as often my days off still involve some work as people need me.
I played scenario 2 of Quarantine 37 and it was nearly as bloody as the first, though i managed to get off the table with some models this time.
A good couple of weeks of painting, i have mostly finished my Carnevale gang, and about to deep dive into my 7tv Project.
I got to play an amazing game of Stargrave using a bunch of terrain from my collection and while the game was a bust, in that 19/20 models on the table between us died, the game was so much fun. I got some photos so will do a separate post on this.
No new models painted this week, am in a big terrain project that is half done so there will be a mssive update when done, but for now i have nothing done. but here is a bunch of last years models finally uploaded.
Crazy month, we have had a full lockdown, and when that happens work goes crazy. Ive not painted much in the past month but focusing on painting some heavily converted models really well.
Another couple of good weeks. Finished a 20 Block, did a pallet Cleanser and am really into the new block, having finished a bunch of them. Work is as crazy as ever and we are about to properly start plastering and painting my office so i am clearing out the room.
We finished the red king campaign and i am happy to say i am sated with Frostgrave now, having played a ton of games in the past 8 or so months.
Crazy couple of weeks, work is mental, quite a few late nights so not as much painting and we also did some actual social stuff.
I am barely at home this coming week so it will be a quiet week for painting. But I will be starting a new 20 Block this coming week.
And now on to the monsters. I had bought some specifically, i had some older bones models and during our campaign Bones 4 arrived, so i had a lot to paint. i also picked up models as we needed them, and from Northstar - the official models. it also gave me motivation to finish some half done models i had sitting there waiting.
the good news was that during the campaign, Citadel contrast was released, which made a massive difference, and i was able to blitz out a lot of models, probably painting more than 40 models in the 2 months after contrast came out, as compared to about 30 in the 4-5 months previously.
I also painted a lot of terrain, and heaps of the Mantic Terrain Crate stuff which i will post later.
so here we go, a lot of photos to come.
A good bunch of painting, i got heaps done, despite a lot of work going on, and some late nights and weekends.
I have been assembling a lot of models, so i have projects ready to go when i get all of it.