A collection of my models and blog posts for The Walking Dead - All Out War and Call To Arms.

Here are all the blog posts to do with the Walking Dead game.
Time has flown since the last update. Work continued to be mental, but i got most of a week off, and did get to continue painting, but it was interrupted with some crazy 12-14 hour days.
But I finished the 20 Block, got the last Guild models painted so that now i have every option painted, got some new projects started.
First update of what ive painted in 2023.
A good start to the year, being on holiday and the kids sleeping in, I have been up late and painted quite a few models. Got into the swing of things and found a few ways to make it faster.
Another couple of good weeks. Finished a 20 Block, did a pallet Cleanser and am really into the new block, having finished a bunch of them. Work is as crazy as ever and we are about to properly start plastering and painting my office so i am clearing out the room.
We finished the red king campaign and i am happy to say i am sated with Frostgrave now, having played a ton of games in the past 8 or so months.
Crazy couple of weeks, work is mental, quite a few late nights so not as much painting and we also did some actual social stuff.
I am barely at home this coming week so it will be a quiet week for painting. But I will be starting a new 20 Block this coming week.
Normal week, a full work week for me, after a few weeks of holiday, and public holidays.
Work is the same as ever, but routine is getting easier, and I am getting into the swing of things with my painting. I finished my 20 Block and have the next one ready to go.
With how busy life is, its likely that “weekly” updates wont be, but we will see what happens.
Since the last update, i have managed to paint quite a few things, played a game or two, built some more terrain, prepped a bunch more models, and kept things updating.
So its been a while, between lockdown and work exploding, but i have still been painting… and buying stuff.
I backed the original Terrain crate and have 95% of it painted, barring a few pieces that don’t fit my stuff or are too thin to be of any use (one major issue with terrain crate).
So when the 2nd one came up i backed it straight away, especially as it covers more genres than fantasy.
In the end I got one of each crate and 2 extra boxes of things i thought i wanted more of.
A good week all round, i finished some terrain, and got a couple of models done and some more work on a couple of competition pieces, while also have a great work week, and celebrating my daughters birthday friday.
If i can maintain a routine like this we will get through a bunch of stuff.
Its been a month, I managed to get quite a lot painted, despite some time out of town, lots of work, kids etc.
Got some cool games in and have been enjoying chipping away at some more of my collections.