A collection of models for a small Space Sharks army, mostly for Kill Team.

All the blog posts referencing the Space Sharks in games or painting.
A quieter week this week as i was out of town for 3 days for a conference. I expect that over the coming weeks I will have less stuff to show as i have more out of town trips and we have a baby due in 5 weeks (which may also mean I don’t go out of town).
Trying to keep track of what i painted each week, so i dont forget and its easier to take small batches of photos than lots at once. Reality is it wont be weekly, and this post is for what i finished last week, but this week is the post. essentially everytime i post i want to post what i have finished since last time.
I am only posting whats finished, so sometimes it looks like heaps as i finished off lots of small things that were 90% done. and we will definitely go through phases as i work on different games.
So my plan got a bit derailed since last time, i was busy with work and getting ready for baby number 2. And then Baby number 2 arrived 4 weeks early on the 28th. Keira (is her name), spent the first two weeks in NICU with her mum so i was full time dad with my other daughter Mia, so painting was low. But i actually got a bit done when the nanny had her and when she slept and i was not at the hospital.