2024 Painting Wrapup

Here is the 2024 review of what i have painted, and some comparisons to previous years.

I had a good painting year in 2024, got a bunch of stuff done, despite it also being one of the busiest years for work.

Now I did not paint half of what i did last year, but that was an odd year where i painted a couple hundred moria goblins, which are easy to paint.

i was a couple weeks from the end of the year and realised i was not going to make 200 painted models so i made sure to make it.

I dug up some part finished models and blitzed them out. I forgot how much work it takes to paint space marines, but I got there.

here are the last models i painted for the year from Christmas to end of the year, finishing some of them on New years eve (im old with kids so not going out).

Here are the stats for the year - 200 models painted, and 241 pieces of terrain. I tend to get more terrain painted than models, as you can often do it in bulk, and painting 40 sets of duckboards for wild west is not as hard as painting 20 minis.

I still need to base some of the models from the year. here is the list. I have all the models set aside to base, some will be easy and some i need to build the bases. I have decided for Cyberpunk to design some bases and cast them, as I had been individually modding existing resin bases i own, which takes time.

In terms of the companies, here is my top 5 for the year (and past years), i only count models in here not terrain as that can skew it badly.

You can see this year is a good year in total but more terrain than models.

Slightly different mix of the top companies this year, GW and Crooked dice still in there from last year, but TT combat and North Star came back from previous years and Monster fight club had their first year in my top 5 and at number 1.

So all in all a good year. Plans for this coming year are to keep getting stuff done. I have spent my holidays prepping a ton of models so i have a couple AOS armies ready to go, over 100 crooked dice models primed and ready, and my next batch of both Carnevale models and Cyberpunk gangs ready to go. this means i can just paint.

I will also aim to get my 3 printer working consistently, i am not that good at it so far, but i am getting some stuff done. but if i can do it regularly then i will have more consistent prints and also more models and terrain yay.

I am going to adepticon in March and going to a few seminars on getting faster and using the airbrush.

And i am working on my big game for Call to Arms in August, currently thinking of a zombie wildwest game, but still to decide if i want to do it as future zombies (firefly with zombies) or oldwest (like zombicide wild west). either way lots of cowboy models and zombies to sort.

What did you paint this year?