First Stargrave game of New Campaign
/My group at Warlords has started our new Stargrave campaign. This is our third campaign in Stargrave. the first one was a free for all with people taking whatever models they wanted (we had a mix of star wars and cyberpunk models), the 2nd one we themed it to 40K and had 2 inquisition warbands, an ork warband and a votann one.
I found the 2nd campaign much more enjoyable as it all matched. So for this campaign we decided to theme it on Firefly, essentially a space western and decided to actually use the Stargrave models as, while owning all of them we had not used them. this was because they are not as nice as some of the other models out there and are smaller than many.
But what we found is that the mddels are really good in context to each other, and if you mix in the frostgrave models, they look very good. And you can mix in the dead mans hand plastics and some of the wargames atlantic models as well.
I added some cowboy hats to mine to make it more western. The others in our group did similar, though one of the crews has a dalek as first mate and Ed is using the actual firefly models from the board game.
My Stargrave Crew
For our first game i wrote a campaign to introduce the game and also two of the factions i created for the campaign.
We had a showdown between the Reapers, a crazy gang of nutjobs and Dr Ignatius Fellstaff, a mad scientist.
the crews plan was to interrupt them and get the loot. on the way there Eds ship had no issues, Richard avoided a blackhole with no issues, John and I both took over 100 damage from an asteroid field and got a quirk each and George took 9 rolls to get out of the dark matter, taking 70 damage.
We also tried out using 2D10 for the combat rolls (where 1 ‘10' gives you +3 damage or +3 armour and a double ‘10’ is an instant kill) as well.
The game went as expected.
the bad guys fought each other, and then made a run for it once they got their loot and tried to fight their way out.
The Reapers showed up in mass and swamped Georges crew, killing 6 of them, but he eventually got off with 3 treasures and kill stole my hit on the Reaper chieftain after i got him to 2 wounds. only one of his free crew died so Frank 2 will be here next game,
Ed got away with 2 treasures and did not take any damage.
Richard had a massive brawl with the reapers, lost a couple of guys but only one died, and got 3 treasures. he started to try and fight George for some treasure but lost those guys and then George lobbed a smoke grenade in the way with his grenade launcher so Richard could not descend on them with 6 guys.
John and I were closest to each other, my crews showed up as late as possible and did a bit of damage but until the Dr and his robots went through John i did not get much done. i was able to get 2 treasures plus the main one from the reapers. I wounded both robots, after firing into combat with them and Johns guys for 3 turns, and then John killed them both. but i was able to kill the Dr, driving off his rescue shuttle and got the bounty on him.
John lost a few guys in combat with the robots but they were all fine and as the Dr died right in his part of the table he got his loot as well.
I will be buying a couple of better crew and repairing my ship. i got a mindspike for one of items which will help.
Below is the blurb for the campaign game and ive attached a PDF of the rules we used. i would have missed some rules so we just fudged it as we went. the main thing with fun games is to make sure the game keeps going and is fun for all.
and some photos.
Rumours have spread of a good score on Van Horvats world, a rustic backwater in the outer rim.
The eccentric criminal Dr (though no one knows what he is a Dr of) Ignatius Fellstaff is after some “stuff” to further his work.
He has arranged a trade with members of the Reapers, one of the more dangerous gangs in the rim to get the “stuff” in trade for some other “stuff”.
No one knows who is trading what for what, but all you need to know is that there is a good score if you can remove it from the hands of those who currently have it. Everyone wants the maguffin. But neither side of the trade is going to lay down without a fight, and they are almost certainly planning to double cross each other.
Rumours spread fast in the freelance crews of the rim, and it looks like crews of all different motivations will be trying to find where the trade is taking place, some who want to apprehend one or other of the participants, get revenge, or, just blag their loot.
You have a contact who assures you they know where the trade is taking place, and that they have told no one else, so its all up to you to get there first, lay in wait and spring your trap, and hope no one else has the same plan.
Download the scenario - Double Cross the Double Cross