REVIEW - Blacklist Miniatures - Fantasy Series 1
/So i like to back KickStarters and then worry about if i will ever get them painted when they eventually arrive.
This time its the turn of Fantasy Series 1, from Blacklist minis. I backed it as i play Frostgrave and it will be good for wandering monsters etc. Cannot recall the cost, but not enough to worry me, though postage is always painful.
It arrived and came nicely packed, no damage to the box.
Basic models, though they are nice and simple. Monopose is not great when you need more than 1 in a game, but for the price who cares, and its easier to paint 5 identical models.
In my box only one of the models was a bit damaged, the half orc with 2 axes, i will need to carefully bend back her axe.
Some of the bits are not glued together super well (a couple ghouls have massive gaps ) but again for the price and what i am planning to use them for, its fine.
I have found that the smaller models have warped bases most of the time, so some time with hot water to reshape them was needed, not a major hassle and the same is true of my HINT models and CMON models for The Others.
As i am painting them in stages, it was fine, i will do 10 or so at a time so i am ahead of the queue.
The biggest hassle is mold lines. Its a bit hit and miss, the giant rates were fine (though i hate mold lines on tails), but the ghouls appear to be 60% mold lines. sharp scalpel blade is best, as its the kind of plastic that does not always work well with files.
The clear plastic ones i did nothing with, and i noticed the one large model i have prepped so far (the worm), was easier.
These definitely fit my basic job range, where i use contrast and highlights. for the clear models, of course i only base them.
I use a zenithal spray undercoat to make the contrast look better, and then do a basic highlight.
I am using the Geek Gaming - ready basing material, which speeds things up.
One thing to note - on the clear models, i painted around the base rim and also on the flat part of the base where there was no model. On one model i painted underneath the model, bad idea - it totally dulled it down. I used Isopropyl to get rid of this. So dont paint underneath the clear ones.
Im 33 models in so far, and have the next batch of little guys and next big guy spray prepped. So i am not very far in but so far for what i paid, i am very happy. I have also backed the horror series and series 2 of the fantasy.
I plan to do a batch of the little guys as a pallet cleanser between each of my sets of 20 models to paint. will take a while (and Bones 5 arrives soon), but its a good way to paint them without burning out.
4/5 - does what it says, could be a bit better with placement of the mold lines but nice and straightforward.
Contrast black, drybrushed with some greys, fyreslayer flesh for the flesh and blood angels red for the eyes.
Still need to be based. Flesh is a mix of contrast plague bearer flesh and darkoath flesh, drybrushed with Army painter rotting flesh and then P3 Sickly Skin. loin cloth is just plaguebearer flesh. Will likely redo the loincloth as its too similar to the flesh, not sure yet.