Kill team Campaign 2024

This year my club (Wellington Warlords) is going to run a Kill Team Campaign, and so we have resurrected our old campaign that we ran from 3rd edition until it petered out in 5th or so.

It was not a campaign in the sense that we had maps etc, although occasionally we did map campaigns. But more that we used stories to link the battles. The armies in our area knew each other and the characters became larger than life, with feuds and backstory over many many games.

Our campaign is set in Segmentum Pacificus (as New Zealand is in the Pacific) in our own Sector, Sector Tiberius. 40K is great in that it is so large you can carve your own space out.

We ran many battles and stories through the campaign and my friend John even did up a galactic map of the various planets in the Sector. We even wrote in when we travelled (for example going to Auckland was the Orklands Crusade and our trip to OZ was the cleansing of the Fourexx system) to keep all our games in theme.

This helped a lot with building the story and background for my Marine Chapter, the DoomFarers and other armies I built.

this was for 40K when large armies needed more space. but for our Kill Team campaign we dont need as much space so i have created a planetary system for our campaign.

rather than just doing battle reports we tend to communicate via message, either between inquisitors, guard commanders, marine chapter masters etc. My friend John uses Inquisitor Rathbourne who is ostensibly in charge of the system and I use Inquisitor Malus, an Ordo Xenos inquisitor who is not super worried about the rules.

Below is the first communication from Malus to Rathbourne outlining the system, the planets (so we have theme to where we are playing), and some of the key events so far.

this is going to be a fun year.

Sector Tiberius Update:

From – Inquisitor Malus – Senior Ordo Xenos Inquisitor

To – Inquisitor Lord Rathbourne – Sector Tiberius Lord Inquisitor

Thought for the day - Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift to Humanity so use it well

My Lord Inquisitor:

Since the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum, Sector Tiberius of Segmentum Pacificus has not been spared. Cult uprisings and demonic infestations have increased 10 fold and the regular enemies of the have used the confusion to increase their activity.

After a period of (for the imperium) calm, the forces of imperium in Sector Tiberius have been working overtime to stem the tide.

From our mutual investigations we have noticed the focal point of the conflict appears to be centred in the Volokh System.

Volokh System:

The Volokh System is a 7 planet system in the western spinward of Sector Tiberius. Of the 7 planets the capital is Volokh 5, a large agri world that feeds the rest of the system, Volokh 3 is a forgeworld, Volokh 6 is an ocean mining world, Volokh 2 and 4 are minor habitable worlds, Volokh 1 is an uninhabited rock, and Volokh 7 is a minor planet with the systems Astropathic choir.  The system is also covered by a series of defence platforms and Volokh 5 and 7 both have a defence ring, named the Volokh Wall.

Volokh 5:

Volokh 5 has erupted into war, with both Chaos and Genestealer cults choosing now to uprise. Our mutual investigation was able to stem the tide and remove some of the key leaders but it was not enough to stop it completely. Killteams of cultists are attempting to poison the food factorums and destroy infrastructure.

The planet is mostly made up of croplands with small settlements, but as war rages more and more of the land is being torn up into mud churned land.

Years after their waaghs rampaged through the sector, rumours of elements of Waagh Steeljaw, Ironjaw and Rugblott have been heard and clashes with orks have been recorded.

Justicar Iago of the grey knights has reported the destruction of chaos tainted naval breachers in the mud plans of Volokh 5, as well as putting down an ork force. Ork Settlements have been found and destroyed in the wastelands.

Volokh 3:

One of my kill teams, Sigma has been purging a genestealer uprising that was discovered in Hive Tiberius. So far they have successfully purged Sector 7G of the hive and are liaising with the local forces to root out the rest.

The war in space:

We both responded to the arrival of a small (relatively) hulk codenamed Lament of Loyalty. My ship The Concordant Destiny cut a landing zone in one of the stable areas of the hulk. On entering we both came across an infestation of the foul deathguard and their plague zombies, as well as some orks.

Our joint efforts allowed us to destroy the plague marine leader and deploy charges. On exiting the ship we set off the charges. Whether the entire hulk was destroyed on only part of it, the hulk returned to the warp.

Unfortunately, we were not fast enough. Warning comms from the Volokh Wall on Volokh 7 announced an invasion.

As the closest imperial forces we both descended to section Theta 9 of the Wall. The whole section has fallen to plague as we found in the med bay. We fought our way to the docking bay, fighting plague infested inhabitants and more orks before being picked up by our shuttle craft. Theta 9 was blocked off and jettisoned to space, whereupon it was destroyed. Exaction teams of the Arbites are working through Sections Theta 8 and 10 to ensure that the taint was restricted to Theta 9.



For now we are vigorously investigating any rumours of any more uprisings. Rumours abound but have not been verified of sightings of Aeldari, Votann, Tau and Chaos Marines. Time will tell if this turns out to be true.

The Astropathic choir has sent requests for aid to imperial forces, and thus far confirmation from the Defenders of Tiberius, the Astartes chapter the DoomFarers has been received and they are on their way from their battles in the Fourexx system.

In the meantime, my forces will continue to root out our enemies, I have dispatched my storm troopers and a seconded force of sisters of silence to bolster our efforts.


Ave Imperator